Depending on the level of inner harmony, a person can perceive the external world differently:
The world is beautiful;
The world is good;
The world is ordinary;
The world is hostile; 
The world is scary.

At a high level of harmony, a person perceives the world as good or beautiful, he is optimistic, inclined to mutually beneficial cooperation, he has developed empathy, accepts himself and others, has a high level of energy and recovers quickly from stress.

With internal disharmony, a person spends his energy on inner conflicts. He is constantly tense, takes a defensive position, is not ready to cooperate and does not trust others. 

In general, only people of the same level or neighboring levels can communicate with each other normally. A person who perceives the world as hostile cannot understand a person for whom the world is beautiful. 

Different types of people have different types of inner conflicts and different reactions to stressors. Some types are prone to anger, others to self-pity, some are prone to stupor and detachment, and others to feeling guilt and shame.

Carlos Castaneda writes: “Don Juan asked me to tell him what had been the most natural reaction I had had in moments of stress, frustration and disappointment before I became an apprentice. He said that his own reaction had been wrath. I told him that mine had been self-pity.” (1)

(modern descriptions)

For each of the eight types Carl Jung identified several levels of psychological harmony-disharmony and noted, what neurosis is inherent to this or that type, and also described destructive behavior of a type in the lower levels. (More on this here >>>)

Modern researchers distinguish six levels of psychological harmony (from total harmony to strong disharmony, from balance to imbalance):
1 - PUEST MANIFESTATION OF FUNCTION - manifestation of the type integrally and without distortions due to the process of individuation.
2 - SOCIAL ROLE - a person's strengths resonate with the corresponding demand from society.
3 - NEUROTIC ROLE - a person wants to be useful to society with its strengths, and in return expects support for one’s self-esteem.
4 - MANIPULATION - Through manipulation, a person tries to shake out desirable behavior from people in order to support one’s self-esteem.
5 - AGGRESSIVE IMPOSITION - forcibly dragging others into one's destructive scenario.
6 - SELF-DESTRUCTIVE DISAPPOINTMENT - the loss of hope that someone will support his or her self-esteem. Disappearance of any goals and motivations.


The world is built on universal dualities or pairs of opposites: light - darkness, heat - cold, male - female, creation - destruction, active - passive, up - down, etc. Human nature is such that from any integral phenomenon he can perceive only one pole of it. Only after experiencing the two poles of duality can a person realize the integrity of a certain phenomenon and advance in his development. A person can realize that light and darkness are parts of one whole, that there is no struggle or conflict between them.

Universal dualities in everyday life are experienced by the human psyche as psychological states and attitudes, such as “aggressor-victim”, “euphoria-depression”, “greatness-insignificance”, “good-evil”, “material-spiritual”, etc.



SENSATION Extraverted type focuses on physical reality, is well versed in the world of material objects, confidently makes his way in the physical world, is practical and pragmatic, characterized by high physical activity, independence, decisive overcoming of obstacles, ability to confront.

Sensation Extraverted type – Se in different typological models >>>

° Female portrait of Se type >>>



SENSATION Introverted type


Sensation Introverted type – Si in different typological models >>>


Psyholistic Approach

Psyholistic approach explores and unfold various dimensions of the person's life - social, psychical (soul) and spiritual. We believe in the human ability to move towards integrity and that everyone can walk this path. We hope, you will find in our lessons useful knowledge and skills on this path.

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