(modern descriptions)

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For each of the eight types Carl Jung identified several levels of psychological harmony-disharmony and noted, what neurosis is inherent to this or that type, and also described destructive behavior of a type in the lower levels. (More on this here >>>)

Modern researchers distinguish six levels of psychological harmony (from total harmony to strong disharmony, from balance to imbalance):
1 - PUEST MANIFESTATION OF FUNCTION - manifestation of the type integrally and without distortions due to the process of individuation.
2 - SOCIAL ROLE - a person's strengths resonate with the corresponding demand from society.
3 - NEUROTIC ROLE - a person wants to be useful to society with its strengths, and in return expects support for one’s self-esteem.
4 - MANIPULATION - Through manipulation, a person tries to shake out desirable behavior from people in order to support one’s self-esteem.
5 - AGGRESSIVE IMPOSITION - forcibly dragging others into one's destructive scenario.
6 - SELF-DESTRUCTIVE DISAPPOINTMENT - the loss of hope that someone will support his or her self-esteem. Disappearance of any goals and motivations.

The level descriptions apply equally to both men and women.

Se   ---   Si   ---   Fe   ---   Fi   ---   Te   ---   Ti   ---   Ne   ---   Ni

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Se type - Sensation Extraverted

• SENSING Extraverted type focuses on physical reality, is well versed in the world of material objects, confidently makes his way in the physical world, is practical and pragmatic, characterized by high physical activity, independence, decisive overcoming of obstacles, ability to confront.

As the Se type moves through the levels of harmony, his behavior changes to the opposite.

While the harmonious type Se upholds justice, protects the weak and has a high level of self-control, the unbalanced type Se intimidates the weak, seizes other people's property and follows his instincts.

Let's consider in detail the most vivid manifestations of Se type at different levels of harmony.

1 HELMSMAN - Destroys old outdated systems to prepare for the building of a new and better one. Overthrows oppressors. Takes on difficult challenging goals, has a large-scale vision. Translates strong innovative ideas into real form. Able to rally large groups of people around a certain goal, to direct one’s own and others' will in a certain direction, to lead to a common goal. Truthful and absolutely fearless. His will is subordinate to the Supreme Will.

2 PROTECTOR – Focused and determined, always ready for action. In crisis situations keeps calm, takes control and responsibility for others, protects the weak. Fearless, boldly moves forward, easily oriented in a new territory, well assesses the balance of power, quickly takes a leading position in a new environment. Realizes the interests of different social groups (sections of the population, community, corporation or his clan), provides them with resources and protection from external threats. He is not afraid of consequences and does not pay attention to gossip.

3 DETERMINED - Determined and bold, acts confidently in the physical realm, loves challenges and resistance, acts impulsively, without hesitation, without thinking the consequences through, is ready to take risks. Seeks to take charge of situations and to lead others, takes initiative, helps to move projects forward. He does not do very well with being still for long periods of time or staying in a closed space. His energy needs an outlet. Able to respond quickly and flexibly to a changing environment, so he works well in a crisis, likes to solve urgent situations. Instantly reacts to any provoking stimuli, can quickly swing from composure to fury and back again.

4 LASCIVIOUS - Develops into a crude pleasure-seeker, freely follows his instincts and physical impulses, needs immediate satisfaction of his desires, seeks to own objects on a physical level, squeezes the maximum out of them to stimulate his sensations. Experiences anger and inferiority if it is not possible to quickly take possession of the desired object. Interested only in material things. Becomes an unscrupulous, designing sybarite, lustful, lecherous and insatiable. Can be blinded by jealousy. Money and power give him the opportunity to possess what he wants.

5 DICTATOR - Tyranny, forceful retention of power, psychological and physical violence. All problems are solved by force. He strives to subjugate as many people as possible and seize more territories. He loves the feeling of dominance and the ability to own whatever he wants. Avoids weakness and vulnerability, so as not to lose control and power, not to become dependent on others. Cruel, aggressive, vengeful. Bullies the weaker into submission. Takes pleasure in others pain and humiliation. Sees himself as outlaw.  

6 SAVAGE - Flout social customs and authorities, will not allow anyone to control himself. Trusts no one, relies only on himself. He is constantly in tension, always expecting an attack and ready to strike back, acts in advance. For no apparent reason, he can get into a towering rage and swing his fists. Can go to open provocations and create dangerous situations in the right place. His life scenario is a struggle for survival and protection from a dangerous world.

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Si type - Sensation Introverted

SENSING Introverted type focuses on physical reality, is well versed in the world of material objects, loves working with his hands, recognizes subtle physical sensations, calm, unhurried, and adaptable, able to create a harmonious and comfort environment.

As the Si type moves through the levels of harmony, his behavior changes to the opposite.

While the harmonious type Si creates a harmonious atmosphere, unites people and helps resolve conflicts, the unbalanced type Si avoids people, irritated and tense he causes conflicts himself.

Let's consider in detail the most vivid manifestations of Si type at different levels of harmony.

1 MEDIATOR - Values differences of opinion, perceives conflicts and tensions as a natural part of interaction, helps other people understand different perspectives. Smoothes relations between antagonistic groups or individuals, helps them move towards win-win solutions. Respects both sides of the dispute, combines different points of view, bringing the fighting parties closer together and guiding the participants of the conflict towards reconciliation. Harmonizes the toughest situations. Remains calm in a crisis, bringing peace to the atmosphere of general anxiety. His works (music, paintings, etc.) bring harmony, peace and beauty.

2 SUPPORTER - Has the ability to bring together people with interesting ideas and unconventional views. Creates an atmosphere where one feels supported to generate ideas and develop creativity. He is a good listener, able to hear everyone's position, see multiple perspectives and integrate different points of view. Encourages initiatives and innovations, helps others to put new ideas into practice. Does not support competition within the team, reducing tension and focusing on group cohesion. Helps others integrate into the team, promoting collaboration and creating a sense of equality, community and belonging. Takes care of the physical needs of others. Has a healing and calming influence. Is able to create a harmonious, safe and stable environment, to provide physical and psychological comfort, helps to relax and recuperate.

3 EVERYMAN - Humble, laidback and welcoming, he seeks to be accepted by society, has a high ability to integrate and tries to get along with everyone. He has difficulty in understanding his own potentialities, so he prefers go with the flow and not stand out from the crowd, by taking himself back and letting others go first. To avoid conflict and separation he becomes accommodating and has difficulty saying no to people, is reluctant to express one’s own opinion, doesn’t interfere in anything and doesn’t impose anything. His motto is "Do not rock the boat". Focused on simple family values, he has a drive to care and to provide for their loved ones. He is practical, hardworking and down-to-earth, knows how to work with his hands. Prone to excessive physical care of others, may become too controlling and overprotective.

4 HEDONIST - Focused on his bodily sensations he pursuits sensual pleasure and loves to enjoy good food, wine, and sex. Doesn’t like work and anything that delays gratification is avoided, prone to bad habits, laziness, and gluttony. He prioritizes his own comfort and pleasure above all else. He likes long showers, pampering themselves with face masks, soft slippers and cushions. Physical discomfort causes him to have outbursts of anger, irritation, and resentment. Capricious about comfort, may quarrel with others over household trifles. More interested in the superficial aspects of life than in developing meaningful relationships, he can be dodgy and unreliable.

5 LACKEY - Insecure, he doesn’t understand his own potentialities and worth, being a distinct individual is very scary for him. Idealizing others, he maintains a sense of worth through participation, a living through others. The other becomes the center of gravity. He gets unnoticed and can only enjoy others’ successes. Feels devastated or helpless when close relationships end. He goes to great lengths to avoid separation, by adapting to others preferences, saying “yes” to things he does not really want to do, neglecting his own needs. He takes on the daily responsibilities of cooking and cleaning, acting as a servant. His stress and anger grow as his responsibilities increase, but he keeps saying 'I'm OK'. He becomes overly reliant on other person, loses one’s own self in an effort to blend in, shows acquiescence in evil and error and allows himself to be exploited.

6 LULLED - He strives for peace and harmony, but because of a constant sense of inner tension, he himself provokes conflicts. To wait out periods of conflict he closes up like a clam and withdraws completely. Unable to merge with the other, he feels lost. He increasingly withdraws from life, becoming dissociated, inert and inflexible, indifferent to himself and others. Feels that life is too much for him. Food, online shopping, video games, reading light books, that don’t require much thought, alcohol, tobacco are used by him as a self-distracting maneuver to "putting oneself asleep" and self-forgetfulness. Long stretches of time can pass by while he simply stares out the window, or crashes in front of the TV and channel surf. Can lie in bed until noon, wearing baggy clothes and worn out sweats and forgetting to shower for weeks. Feels hopelessness and immerses himself completely in his own fantasy world. Fantasies of peace, harmony, and other people mix with fantasies of anger and vengeance.


Last updating 29.08.2024

Psyholistic Approach

Psyholistic approach explores and unfold various dimensions of the person's life - social, psychical (soul) and spiritual. We believe in the human ability to move towards integrity and that everyone can walk this path. We hope, you will find in our lessons useful knowledge and skills on this path.

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