SENSATION Extraverted type focuses on physical reality, is well versed in the world of material objects, confidently makes his way in the physical world, is practical and pragmatic, characterized by high physical activity, independence, decisive overcoming of obstacles, ability to confront.

Sensation Extraverted type – Se in different typological models >>>

° Female portrait of Se type >>>



Jungian SENSATION Extraverted Type (Se) can be found under different names in different typological models. The female image of the Se type is vividly represented in the archetypes of the Amazon, the Queen, the Warrioress, Artemis, the Huntress, the Wild Woman.

The following description of the Amazon represents the characteristics that unite all of the aforementioned female archetypes with the Jungian Type Se:

The AMAZON archetype personifies an independent, self-sufficient, ambitious and goal-oriented woman highly capable of making her way in the world, to seek her own goals on terrain of her own choosing. She is characterized by high energy and activity levels. She is grounded and connected to her own source of power.

The Amazon is a natural leader. She is a powerhouse who changes her environment, shaping it to her goals. She is competitive, and committed to the causes she cares about, always standing up for what she believes in. She is confident in taking charge, whether it’s in her romantic relationship, her business, or with her family.


Descriptions of the Sensation Extraverted Type can be found under different names in different typological models:
• Choleric temperament – Waldorf pedagogy
• Mars - planetary typology
Artisans – David Keirsey
Warrior, Amazon, Queen – female archetypes
• Type 8 – Enneagram
• Type Se – Carl Jung

✅ Choleric temperament 

• Choleric temperament by Rev Bowen – Waldorf pedagogy - Simply Waldorf

With a fiery will, the choleric temperament wants to take charge of situations and to lead groups toward a goal--that "goal" being the choleric's vision or solution. It does not need to hear everyone else's ideas. It does not need to spend time away from the world in contemplation. It is aimed at action and once it has seen a goal, whether it is a tug-of-war game or to summit Denali, it sets all its efforts an achieving it and will doggedly adhere to this goal, persevering through great hardships if needed. After all, such challenges only reveal the great power and virtue of such a being. The choleric temperament will speak its mind, sometimes with painful and unsympathetic candor. It will not even consider backing down from confrontations, and sometimes seeks them with relish. The choleric finishes every task, usually as fast as possible. Was it the wisest course of action? The choleric does not take the time to consider this for there are now other tasks and the choleric struggles when idle. It feels that time is lost, that one is only worth what one does. 

Psyholistic Approach

Psyholistic approach explores and unfold various dimensions of the person's life - social, psychical (soul) and spiritual. We believe in the human ability to move towards integrity and that everyone can walk this path. We hope, you will find in our lessons useful knowledge and skills on this path.

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